ApartmentsOfBudapest.com is a residential rental and sale search website specified for Budapest property market. We are creating it to help to find the perfect match of an apartment, room and tenant or a new owner.
Our mission is to help for searchers that they can find their home in an enjoyable way in the exciting and great city, Budapest and for owners to quality promote their property internationally.
We highly focus on being up-to-date on Budapest residential market and to provide the best solutions for our advertisers and searchers by unique services, marketing tools and different type of advertising channels of our website.
By our work we reflect to the latest expectations of the home seekers, and can give an up-to-date overview of the liveability possibilities of Budapest - meant in a wide sense, because all components of life emerges during the home selection process: quality of the neighbor spaces, the local services, the architectural environment, interior design…
We focus especially on Budapest locations which have been going through quality changes, development, urbanisation, giving the joys and challenges of refined great Budapest life.
We offer apartment listings for rent and for sale, room listings for rent, specifically with Budapest and its suburb location, promoted internationally by our website engine. for long term: Apartments available for at least 1 year rental term.
Apartments for long term: Apartments available for at least 1 year rental term.
Apartments for months: Apartments available for some months long rental.
Apartments for sale
Rooms in student apartments: Characteristically international students (from e.g. CEU, IBS, Corvinus, ELTE, BME, Semmelweis Uni, Szent Istvan Uni, ESSCA.., or participants of the Erasmus program) or young professionals (arrived for traineeship) rent these rooms, who live in common households. These rooms are in furnished, equipped apartments, located in the central.
We experienced that the starting and most important factors in the home selection process are the location, the location, and the location. So we built a liveability calculator, and we offer more ways to define the territory of your hunt: you can search by well-known large areas, by neighborhoods, or by keyword (e.g. street name).
We selected the listings into these popular categories as well:
Student apartments: Apartments, which are optimized for international students, e.g. well equipped (household appliencies, kitchen equipment,..); have separate rooms with study desk and chair; landlord supplies maintenance service and utility administration service.
Luxury apartments: Apartments with services which together ensure the possibility of a luxurious living.
New Developments and Conversation Buildings: These are new or some year old buildings, rooftop projects, or remodeled/transformed old buildings.
Seasonal listings: We collect the listings which are currently hot, e.g. in springtime we start to collect the student apartments which are available from September.
The search results can be shown as listings, or on map.
Our main home seekers are expats, professionals, international students, managers..., singles, pairs and families…. from all over the world (Germany, Sweden, Denmark, France, Spain, USA, Australia….), and international investors searching for great investment properties or for their new home in our great city, Budapest.
The idea of the website emerged about 2005 by a student of urban sociology who, after working in different positions in the real-estate market (agent, analyst, marketing-consultant), experienced the common undeveloped thinking method about homes and cites and neighbourhoods in Budapest among the city citizens. To launch the website was an effort to make progress in this issue in an independent way so based on market-financing.
Finally the project was launched in 2006 as ApartmentsOfBudapest.com, the first residental property search portal focusing on Budapest and meant to open the city to newcomers as well as to create a worthy advertising place for great residental properties.
We experience continuous growth regarding to the number of visitors, and during the past years their number is multiplied. 121.000 visitors arrived to ApartmentsOfBudapest.com per month in average in 2018, so 1.4 Million visitors in total during the year. We are so thankful we can not stop developing the website.
If you have questions, notes, please share with us, we read it thoughtfully and help us to figure out new ideas, solutions:
E-mail: Info@ApartmentsOfBudapest.com, Phone: +36 30 718 4320
By liking our Facebook page you can be updated about our blogs as Budapest Living, Market Report, Apartment of the Month, etc.., and by following us on Instagram you can be amused about the beauty of Budapest.
For detailed information of each advertised apartment, please take the contact with the contact person defined in the 'Contact' field of the ad, who can help you to answer your questions, provide you detailed information about it.
You can directly contact us through the following form too: